Safe on the road: Defensive driving strategies you should know

Safe on the road: Defensive driving strategies you should know

According to figures gathered by the World Health Organization, roughly 1.19 million people lose their lives each year as a result of traffic collisions, with accidents being a leading cause of death for those aged 5 to 29. It’s not just drivers who are at risk, as cyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists make up for more than half of the victims, given their more vulnerable state. It’s unfortunately common to be injured and deal with the repercussions of such an event even if you yourself were not responsible for the collision. In cases such as this, you might feel absolutely helpless, and like there’s nothing you can do since there’s no way to control the ways in which others are driving.

Luckily, there’s a way to keep yourself safer and more secure on the road regardless of who you share it with.

What is defensive driving?

The concept of defensive driving refers to a group of practices you should incorporate into your daily driving to anticipate dangerous situations and avoid their effects. It was explicitly constructed as a means to remain secure despite possible adverse conditions or other drivers’ mistakes. The best way to do this is to stick to the general guidelines that future drivers must be familiar with to get their licenses and remain as cautious and attentive as possible at all times.

If an accident still occurs, you should get in touch with in order to find the best solution available for you. Depending on the conjecture of your case and the extent of your injuries, the amount you can expect to gain in terms of compensation will vary as well. As a general rule, defensive driving improves general road safety and minimises the incidence of accidents, but there are always unexpected things that can intervene.

General principles

The first and most crucial thing you must do to remain safe when behind the wheel is control your speed and ensure you don’t exceed it. It is much more challenging to maintain your vehicle when you’re speeding, and your reflexes will most likely not be quick enough to stop you from crashing into another car on the road. Keep your attention solely focused on driving to ensure you’re alert and prepared to face unexpected situations. Avoid conversations with the other car passengers or music that distracts your attention from the road.

Make sure there’s nothing in your field of vision that could divert your attention from driving. If anything bothers you about the car or your seating, make sure to deal with it before you start driving. If there’s any inconvenience, such as your phone ringing, pull over to the side of the road before answering. Research has demonstrated that being on the phone makes you four times more likely to crash, with the figures applying to both those who use hands-free and hand-held systems.
Other drivers

You already know that there’s no controlling the choices others make and that you must take your safety seriously and protect yourself. While there are many drivers out there who follow the rules, there are also plenty of those who drive aggressively and with no concern for the safety of others. Some people drive while under the influence, which dulls their senses, removes their ability to react quickly, and causes them to be unpredictable at the wheel. Some pedestrians can also adopt potentially dangerous behaviours such as jaywalking, which makes it more likely for them to become injured and also lead to others being hurt and vehicle damage.

As a result, you must be prepared for all kinds of reactions and actions that others must have. That way, even if someone drives erratically and crashes into you, you are more likely to avoid them and do less damage to your car and your health. Don’t expect everyone to follow the same rules as you, as different people are pretty likely to do different things depending on the situation. Remember to respect others at all times and avoid driving in a way that could be considered aggressive or obstructive. Watch where others are going, and don’t make rash decisions that could result in confusion and increase the likelihood of an accident.

Further advice

We’ve already mentioned the fact that following the basic traffic rules and staying courteous are crucial for being safe out there. But let’s approach that a little more in-depth and see precisely what you should do. One of the most dangerous things that many drivers do and which is unfortunately incredibly widespread is tailgating. The chances of collision rise exponentially if you do this, as you have no safety margin left and no adequate space to stop. Therefore, if the other driver were to brake suddenly, your vehicles would crash. Tailgating also causes stress for drivers and can even increase the likelihood of road rage, an unpleasant situation you should avoid.

Remember that driving safely looks different depending on the road conditions and the weather. If you’re in a narrow lane, if there’s rain, snow, sleet, or strong winds, you’ll have to adjust your driving, generally by going slower. In cases when the weather is extreme, you should avoid driving altogether. Anytime you enter a bend in the road, make sure to adjust your speed beforehand and avoid braking right in the middle of a bend. Don’t weave in and out of lanes, and don’t be erratic behind the wheel, as that’s incredibly dangerous.

Lastly, make sure to avoid road rage as much as possible. Although name-calling and yelling can seem like very appropriate ways to let off steam in the situation, things can escalate, and you might find yourself in a physical confrontation. Ignore aggressive behaviour and don’t make eye contact with those who seem hellbent on harassing you. If the situation becomes worse, don’t hesitate to alert the police, but don’t leave your vehicle no matter what.

Driving can be an enjoyable hobby, but you must never forget the importance of safety. Even the most basic rules can be more than enough to save your life.

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